Introduction to the tentative. .
Qualcomm_Read [com-*] [Payload_Size-0] [R/W] [Partition_Name] [Downlod_Agent_File-prog_*_firehose*.mbn]
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[com-*] Set com to * Program will auto to found a first device
[Payload_Size-0] Set 0 is auto.bigger payload can improve speed but not stable (Read=8192 Write=524288)
[R/W] R = ReadBack Partition as a raw image ; W = Write a raw image to Partition
[Partition_Name] Set GPT to Get Partition Table,Read/Write Filename is PartitionName.img eg. Readback system/SYSTEM will generate system.img
[Downlod_Agent_File-prog_*_firehose*.mbn] is device's boot file,can found in offical ROM
,after a device boot with Downlod_Agent_File(R/W first time has boot device),don't try to use it again
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Very convenient, just need the prog_xxx.mbn file to read and write the phone partition, only 322KB size.
Link : Mediafire
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